This post is about how comforting it is to have friends along with you on the road. This is a picture I snapped last Sunday of my friends Jason and Chava playing at Café de Beligique. Jason and I figured out that we've known each other 2/3 of his life (a little more than half of mine). This past week he and Chava stayed with me for a few days to save hotel room costs while they were in Amsterdam. I was a bit worried about what it would be like to share a room with two other folks, but it was *lovely* to have them along. We visited some old friends one night in Utrecht. Another night we just hung out and played music in the hotel bar downstairs. Normally I don't have so much fun on the road, but this trip was a rare exception. Thanks, kids!
This is wonderful, Danese! Thanks for the glimpse of friends far from home.
Posted by: Artemis Rich | April 02, 2009 at 02:54 PM