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June 19, 2007



You've never met Tantek?! Oh my god, I had no idea!

Philip Tellis

I don't come near Tantek in any respect, but if you're going to be at OSCON this year, we might be able to meet. I'll be speaking at Ubuntulive.

Liz Henry

That's hilarious! I had Dodgeball-friended MJ at SXSWi a couple years ago and though we almost never talked, I felt the same way, worrying about her bar crawls and getting a peek at her life over time. It got to be a joke with my friends who would hear my phone buzz and would ask which bar or Web 2.0 event MJ was at. It was the same sort of random accidental stalking, and I left it going half out of laziness and half because it was amusing.


I hope I'll never get stalked by anyone!
I think it's awful


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