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August 10, 2006



Mumbai has a metro ? Do you mean the dilapitated, over-crowded system of railways ?

Josh Bancroft


I can't tell - is Portland's TriMet MAX on there? I ride that all the time. It's a great way to get from the burbs to downtown, and even out to work in Hillsboro, when I used to live closer to the MAX line.

Danese Cooper

No, they didn't have a logo for Portland (and no way I could see to add one). Of course I've been on MAX as well. It is great. There were others I couldn't find as well, so I'm thinking that maybe their definition of "metro" and mine differ? MAX might be more like a streetcar, although it does tunnel through the hills between Portland and Beaverton. I'm thinking that metros maybe have to be underground (to the earlier point about Mumbai)?

Devdas Bhagat

Mumbai has local train services, but no metros yet (Metro rail has to be underground, at least partially). This may change in the future, with 3 or 4 new routes being added.


Here's a video of people getting into a train.

Kolkata has a metro system.


Mumbai doesn't have metro rail. It has an overground suburban rail system, while metro generally applies to rail systems that are at least partially subterrainean.

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