There's been lots of emailing and/or calling me about Harmony since the weekend. I'm so pleased to finally see public discussions begining about Harmony (and of course to see Graham Hamilton take such an enlightened viewpoint on it). Cudos to Geir Magnusson, Jr., Mark Wielaard, Dalibor Topic and everyone else who worked hard to build bridges and to get the Incubator proposal together. If Harmony succeeds in uniting the various Open Java tribes to create a Sun-blessed, "Open J2SE", it will be wonderful indeed.
I'm listed on the proposal as a "supporter" and one of the big questions I've gotten is whether I'm a supporter on behalf of my new employer Intel, or not. I do work for Intel, but I've been a supporter of compatible open source Java for much longer than that. Intel is not commenting yet about Harmony, since it is still just a in fact (and for the record) I can't possibly be speaking for Intel on this topic.
The work of an open source advocate in a big company was ever thus.
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