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March 24, 2005


Vikram Mohan

Really good blog content Danese you just got yourself another regular reader :D

As a ex-sun Employee and a new Intel employee i regard your opinions with high regard.

If you could tell us more about your job role's in Intel would be intresting to read about.


- Vikram

Gustavo Garnica

If only a few more people would understand the truth behind your blog entry, hospitals would have a few more beds available. Hence, I wish you were my boss. Anyways.

Stephen Walli

Well said. I was part of a team in the late '80s that had regular need to read the VMS source (on microfiche no less). Digital developers' names were always part of the module change history, and you saw those same developers in the flesh at events like DECUS. Psychologically people take more care when they know they're signing their work. Projects, products, releases, and teams come and go. The company gets the benefit of that care and attribution and public presence. The channel might be different now, but the human conversation remains the same. It's always too bad when the company gets too big and the culture becomes one of "managing resources" and "operational excellence" instead of the technological excellence and solving customers' problems. When we delivered Interix (the UNIX-like virtual layer on Windows NT) we had all the developers names in a virtual directory (r+d) on which you could run ls, with their start date as the file timestamp, and a link count of zero if they had left the company. We had to strip out the directory when we arrived at Microsoft in the Fall 1999 as they were going into Windows 2000 lockdown.

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